With that in mind I am in the middle of this Christine Jonson wrap dress. Yes I have finally admitted to myself that a REAL VonFurstenberg wrap will not be gracing my pattern stash in the near future. $150.00 (ebay) for a pattern is more than I am willing to spend! I can live with that! There have been times that my bid finger has been itching to hit the button though! But keep looking for me Louie!
So here it is so far. Recognize the fabric?I added a collar. It was not originally a pattern piece, but the company sent a pattern addition to me last year and I like the look of it. I know, I know- a collar is basically a rectangle. But they WERE nice enough as to go through the trouble of mailing the addition to everyone who bought the pattern. It was the least I could to to try it out.
I think I want to add cuffs to the sleeves. Not the cuffs that are included in the pattern. By the way the sleeves are 3/4 length.
I am in the middle of deciding how I should treat the bodice attaching to the skirt. The skirt is a bit heavy feeling, and I think some twill tape or something like that is neccessary to help stabilize it.
Any suggestions?
Have you ever made a wrap dress? If so, which one, and did you like it? Did it compare favourably to the Von Furstenberg classic?
On a similar note, I fell in love with this Von Furstenberg dress at Holt Renfrew Last Chance. Even at the clearance price I couldn't justify it- and it WAS a size O, so it would fit my right leg perfectly!
Different! You won't look like everyone else or the decorations. I'd say that yes, a waist stay made of twill tape. grosgrain ribbon or selvedge would be a good idea for the skirt/bodice seam. It won't hurt, it can only help the bodice from being distorted.
Inquiring minds wanna know!! How did it go New Year's Eve? Did you wear "the" dress?
Rhonda in Montreal
From one Smith to another -- I LOVE this dress and that fabric!!! Very beautiful. I love your pattern selections. You have a great eye.
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