Saturday, December 08, 2007

My "New" Friend

I made a new friend today. More specifically, I made up with an old one! My Pfaff Coverstitch 4852! I have been on "hello, how are you?" superficial, kind of rocky terms with her since she came into my life -oh my gosh- almost 3 years ago! She was not tooo horribly an expensive friend at first. I brought her home for $900. Outfitting her with jewellery was more costly- and even more so when I realized that I had no idea how these accessories actually worked!
So she sat there. Decorative but not horribly funtional. I did make Mike a nice pair of boxers. They only cost $1000.00 if you figure it our using dollar cost averaging! Then I roll hemmed a dress. Okay the underwear then only cost $500.00!
I roll hemmed 20 6 feet long table runners for the wedding. Boxer cost - $250.00

"Darn it all" I said to myself this morning. Actually I said "damm", but..well you know! "I am going to conquer this thing today!" I am mechanically inclined. I drive and can fix(well sometimes!) a combine for goddness sakes! This little glorified sewing machine was NOT going to continue its life in this house as a drape horse for fabric any longer!

So I reintroduced myself politely. I read a few blogs and some PatternReview threads on coverstitch machines. Since this lady was going to have dedicated Coverstitch usage, I read the manual. Cover to cover. Three times. All I got for my troubles was a snarly mess. So I started over URGGHH
The second best advice I read said that one should thread using different colours to properly analyze the problem. Well Eureka! I was always assuming that the bottom looper was the culprit, when actually the left needle path was not threaded perfectly! I had not "flossed" the thread in the tension disc.
Then it ws accessory time. I had the "M" foot and the hemmer guide. I found this great website from the UK that has a myriad of videos pertaining to Pfaff feet and other accessories. That made it a cinch!
Hemmer Guide

Ahhhh now we are friends. Soon to be best of friends I am sure!


Summerset said...

A coverstitch machine is next on my list to buy - I just need to save up a bit more for it! Glad to see you've got yours working and that those boxers will be a cheaper now.

Rhoto said...

WOW!! What a well-written article!! Worthy of being published!! (Actually, it IS, eh!! ;)
Warm greetings,
Rhonda & Toon