I get asked this question often. Either that question or "how long have you been sewing" are questions people ask when they notice something I am wearing.
So to answer those-
Yes I sewed a lot when the girls were little. I came across this photo yesterday for example.
My mother and father in law were celebrating an anniversary and the entire family was getting together for family photos. (Mike has 3 sisters who live locally and 2 brothers and their families who live in Alberta)
So, very pregnant with baby number 5, and with the assistance of Mike's sister, I seem to recall, I decided to make new outfits for them all. Baby Lauren was only a few weeks old in this photo, Erica 6, Micaela 5, Kate almost 4(it was close to her birthday), and Leah was 2 1/2. Yes I was nuts. I was also only 29!
I made dresses or outfits for them every Easter and Christmas. Here is a "what were you thinking?!" Christmas photo. They remember me saying " don't look at me, look at the doorway"! I loved that overalls that little Lauren was wearing. I used pink flannel for the lining and contrast and it was really cute as well as warm.
Wow! You do have a gorgeous bunch of girls!
Yes, I've sewed so much that I think my children were used to the sound of the machine from the womb!
How lovely all your daughters are! That's a fabulous picture.
Wow, you sure can tell they are sisters!
Great photos. Some of the styles in the older photos remind me of some of the things my sister made for her daughters. They are all in their 20's now.
Good lucks must definitely run in the family!! They look so pretty!! :)
The little flower girls in my wedding wore dresses like the ones you made, and I remember they looked so darling too.
I did design my blogmakeover :D I about pulled my hair out, but I have it figured it out now, so if you need help, just holler!
What a nice, cozy place to visit--Couturesmith!! I enjoy stopping in!!
Warm greetings,
Rhonda & Toon van de Ven
Hi! Showed Toon your beautiful daughters. He said, "They are DUTCH girls!!" Did I tell you before that "Bontje" means little fur coat?? EVERYTHING in Dutch/Holland is "je" (small), eh!!
Hope you're enjoying Ottawa this week-end!
Warm greetings,
van de Vens
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